Art Exhibition at St Albans Cathedral

First year Level 3 Art and Design students are currently exhibiting at St Albans Cathedral.  The annual exhibition is a fantastic opportunity for our students to showcase their creative talents to the wider public. This year’s exhibition is on the subject of RECYCLING and  required students to research areas of personal interest relating to the…

Art Exhibition Poster

First year Level 3 Art and Design students are currently exhibiting at St Albans Cathedral.  The annual exhibition is a fantastic opportunity for our students to showcase their creative talents to the wider public.

This year’s exhibition is on the subject of RECYCLING and  required students to research areas of personal interest relating to the topic.   Students investigated what happens to the waste we create, how and if it is actually recycled and what the impact is on our environment. Students explored these questions through a variety of media, from textiles and printmaking to photography and graphic design.

The Exhibition is open each day  from 8:30 to 5pm until Thursday 28th April so there is still the opportunity to visit and  view the works on display.



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