College team raise £600 for local charity

Oaklands College Dragons' Apprentices raised nearly £600 for Camphill Charity in St Albans through their entrepreneurship and hard work.

Oaklands College Dragons’ Apprentices raised nearly £600 for Camphill Charity in St Albans through their entrepreneurship and hard work.

A team of four Oaklands business students, Matt Hale, Maria Massaro, Lucy Markham and Liam Caulfield took part in the Dragons’ Apprentices project where teams from local schools and colleges were given just £100 and told to go out and make as much money as possible for their charity of choice.

Oaklands students put on various fund raising activities, including collaborating with the Oaklands beauty students to run a mini-treatments session for St. Albans District Council staff. The flair and creativity displayed got them to the final of the Dragons’ Apprentices competition, beating off stiff competition from other schools, where they were able to award Camphill charity with a cheque for nearly £600.

Paul Kirikal, Business Lecturer at Oaklands College, commented: “The entire experience has been so beneficial for the learners, the College and the Charity that the BTEC Assignment for Creative Product Promotions (CPP) – that the learners are currently working on this term – has been modified to include the Charity. This will hopefully mean that in future years promotional ideas to benefit the Charity will be flowing from both current and future BTEC Business learners. 

“The Oaklands team deserve the highest praise for their perseverance, teamwork and enthusiasm.”


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