Essential Digital Skills: Mon 30 Sept, 19:00-21:00



This course is funded by Step2Skills for residents of Hertfordshire only. When you enrol you are agreeing to complete paperwork to reflect and record your progress. Attendance is vital, so first check that you are available to attend each weekly lesson.

This is ideal for those who currently have low digital skills but have the desire to learn new skills and build confidence so that future challenges can be attempted. Over the seven sessions you will explore Microsoft Word to create documents and apply different text styles and sizes as well as inserting images, saving and printing your work. Create and name folders to store different files (i.e images/documents) so they can easily be located. Understand the fundamentals of Excel, including the layout, entering data and sorting.  Use the internet to find and use information and communication applications to send messages and attachment for social and professional use.

This is a tutor led course aimed at beginners who have already some basic IT and mouse and keyboard skills.

If you are in receipt of Universal Credit then you may be eligible for a fee reduction, to check if you meet the requirements please contact ACL on 01727 737154 or email


Am I right for the course?

This course is for all learners 19 years old or over. This is a tutor lead course aimed at complete beginners who have basic mouse and keyboard skills and want to gain confidence and experience in using a pc and popular applications.

Demonstration, class discussion, one-to-one feedback, exercises, question and answers.

Materials learners need to provide: None

You will be taught by experienced and sympathetic tutors. If you have any problems regarding the course please don’t hesitate to speak to the tutor.

What Next?

Digital Skills in Excel and other ICT courses at college and in the community. Please contact ACL on 01727 737154 or email

Ready to take the next step?

Reaching your career goals is just a click away.


16-18 years old, no tuition fees apply to Full Time courses and fees subject to confirmation. Additional costs applicable to BHS courses.

For all two year courses fees shown above are per year.

Aged 19+ and planning to take a level 3 or above a different fee may apply. You may be eligible for an Advanced Learning Loan.

All HE courses (full and part time) are subject to tuition fees.

In need of more advice?

Contact our Admissions team to find out more about student fees and how they might apply to you.

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