Oaklands College students collaborate for end of year Fashion Show

Art, Fashion and Design students collaborated this week for Oaklands College's annual end of year Fashion Show.


Last week saw the collaboration of Art, Fashion and Design students for the annual end of year Fashion Show. 

The event portrayed important messages which were campaigned by students through their designs, showcasing the importance of sustainable fashion, including recycled plastics and other sustainable materials. 

The collaborative exhibition of diverse work featured a variety of artistic disciplines including: Art, Fashion, Multimedia Design & Animation, Ceramics, Printmaking, Illustration, Graphic Design and more. 

The event offered students a fantastic opportunity for students to showcase their innovation and creative commitment, within their chosen specialisms. 

In attendance was the Oaklands College Principal and Chief Executive Zoe Hancock, High Sheriff of Hertfordshire Sarah Beazley, St Albans Mayor Janet Smith and a variety of VIP guests including students, parents, teachers, staff and local artists. 

Head of Art, Fashion and Design and MMPA Victoria Caulton said: “As I walk around classrooms and see the students ideas come to life, I realise how lucky we are to have such a talented team of lecturers influencing the next generation of budding artists. As Henry Matisse said, “Creativity takes courage” and I have seen an abundance of courage this year. I am extremely proud to be a part of the Art, Fashion & Design team. 

Both the High Sheriff and the Mayor gave compelling speeches to those in attendance, celebrating the effort and work produced by students. 

Mayor Janet Smith said: “I have been so impressed by how well organised the event has been and how well decorated the marquee was with students’ artwork, given the short time-frame available after the recent fire. I was thoroughly impressed by the quality of the work on show and how self-confident they all were, I wish them all well for the future!” 

If you’re interested in joining our students as the next designers of the future, you can learn more about our exciting courses available here.

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