Meet: Freddie

Freddie started college in September 2015 and after a short transition, quickly became a much loved face around campus, learn all about his Oaklands journey here!


Freddie’s Oaklands College journey is nothing short of inspirational. Having joined Oaklands in September 2015, Freddie went on to become a much-loved character around campus, having spent 3 years at the college and volunteering for 9 months!

Freddie, a former LIFE (Learning for Independence & Future Employment) student, overcame his ADHD to form a strong bond with the college, fellow students and staff members.

With consistent staff support and high expectations using personal targets, Freddie quickly settled into college life and thoroughly enjoyed his experience at Oaklands College, achieving all of his targets.

Freddie went from needing visual aids to understand changes to his routines, to moving into a supported living facility, where he learnt how to become self-reliant, managing his anxiety and emotions.

Freddie’s Oaklands journey has been one of continued progression and success, Springfield Advanced Practitioner Jane Warrington worked closely with Freddie and said: “Freddie’s time at Oaklands saw him develop into a fantastic young man, who is able to work with different people and without designated staff support.”

Freddie is also well known for his incredible fundraising efforts, as a result of his dad’s encouragement, Freddie has ran over 500km for charity, from St Albans to Edinburgh, Scotland.

Freddie was very sad to be leaving Oaklands College in the summer of 2018 and was worried that his tutor and staff would not manage without him. He was invited back in the autumn term for a one day weekly volunteer/work experience placement.

Freddie returned in his new role, where he helped new students settle into college life, acting as a role model and mentor to them. He also helped the staff by doing administrative duties, computer work and generally brightening everyone’s days.

Two half marathons, a copious amount of 5k and 10k races later and even becoming a World Record Holder, Freddie’s time at Oaklands College has sadly come to an end as he seeks new challenges and adventures.

Maddie, Freddies mother said: “I want to pass on my very special thanks to Oaklands College and to Springfield for all that they have done for us over the past 4 years. Freddie always speaks with pride and passion about his time at Oaklands and he is sad to be leaving.”

Thank you to Springfield for all that you have done for Freddie over the past 4 years!

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