Higher Education Bursary

The college also has a HE Bursary which students can apply for. The purpose of the Oaklands Higher Education student bursary is to provide students with financial assistance towards the cost of studying.

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For the 2022/23 academic year the maximum individual payment available to full-time students is £250. Part-time students may also apply for the bursary.

To apply, students will need to complete an application form, which will be assessed on an individual basis by the College. Applications will be assessed on a first come, first served basis.

Applications are on an annual basis and students who are studying on a two year programme will need to re-apply for the second year if applicable. The Student Bursary is not available for repeating students.

Please note that the College has a limited fund. Once this limit is reached the fund will be shared equitably between eligible students.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Household income less that £25,000 - (parental if living at home/or students income if living independently/with partner)
  • Average attendance 95% or above: payments may be reduced incrementally if attendance falls below this during any given time period.

If any student does not meet the eligibility criteria they can still apply and if funds allow discretionary payments may be possible. All discretionary payments will be assessed individually

Financial Support

The Financial Support page covers information on; eligibility, types of bursaries available, evidence needed to apply, and how to apply

National Skills Fund

The National Skills Fund is available to adults over 19 who do not already have a Level 3 qualification and offers fully funded Level 3 courses.

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