Thousands enjoy new spring lambs at College community Lambing Weekend
This weekend Oaklands College Farm welcomed thousands of eager visitors for its annual Lambing Weekend.
ST ALBANS — This weekend Oaklands College Farm welcomed thousands of eager visitors for its annual Lambing Weekend.
This year’s event, which showcases the College’s expectant ewes and newborn lambs coincided with Mother’s Day weekend, resulting in more than 8,000 visitors enjoying a family day out at the College campus on Hatfield Road.
At the heart of the event was the Lambing Barns, which over the 48-hour event saw 27 new lambs join the College’s ever-expanding flock, including two single lambs, one set for triplets and multiple sets of twins. At close of play the College’s team had delivered over two thirds of their expected lambs this season.
The College’s Agriculture students led by Farm Manager Del Knowles were on hand in the barns to observe and assist the ewes in lambing when required and also answer questions from the public. During lambing season the students reside on campus, covering lambing shifts on a rota basis.
Level 3 Agriculture students Alice Spencer and Tanya Peters were on hand on Saturday under the watchful eye of the Farm Manager to deliver the first on twins from a Teeswater ewe to the amazement of the crowd. A video of the event shared by the College on social media enabled this magical moment to be shared with many more in the local community.
The College’s students were also visited by representatives from the agriculture industry, including Student Farmer Magazine and the National Farmers Union, giving them a great opportunity to share with the wider farming community their input in this renowned local event.
After taking in the new lambs, visitors also enjoyed meeting the College’s wider variety of animals in the Oaklands Habitat centre including goats and pigs, marmosets and a host of reptiles. The College’s Equine Yard was also open to visitors, as were a host of children’s attractions and activities.
Special additions for this year’s event included a Farm Trail Quiz for younger visitors, a fun #OaklandsLambing photo booth manned by Photography students and Mother’s Day handmade chocolates crafted and sold by the College’s Hospitality and Catering team.
Farm Manager Del Knowles said: “Now in its seventh year, our Lambing event is a great chance to see our students step up and share their knowledge and passion for farming with our visitors.
“However we are a working farm and the reality is their experience is valued day in day out in helping me care for our animals. Lambing Weekend is a great way to share a little of our world at Oaklands with the local community.”
Oaklands Chief Executive and Principal Zoe Hancock said: “Lambing Weekend is a fantastic opportunity to welcome the local community to see such a valuable part of life at Oaklands. Thank you to our visitors and also staff and students from all across the College who gave up their time to support this fantastic community event.”
Around one third of the College’s 150 Ewes remain left to lamb, as the season can run anytime up to late April or early May.