Maths & English - Functional Skills

Functional Skills qualifications provide the knowledge and understanding needed in life to progress and succeed in education, training, and employment. They are equivalents to GCSE 4 or C pass and will help you to gain entry to thousands of Universities or Further Education courses, or to improve the job roles available to you.

man sat in front of computer studying functional skills course online

Functional Skills Maths & English at Oaklands College

Taking the certificates to interviews will also help you gain job roles without going through the literacy and numeracy tests that many companies now set.

These courses are Distant Learning courses which means you only come to college to take your exam or if you require a one to one in person instead of Teams or Zoom meeting, which can be arranged with your tutor.

Woman studying oaklands college functional skills course online

Our Commitment to You

In February 2023 our student’s pass rates, following enrolments from September 2022 onward have been an impressive:

88% student pass rate for English

100% student pass rate for Maths, however, these will vary across the year.

We have been delivering Functional Skills Maths and English since 2012! And for many years have greatly exceeded the national average for pass rates, which gives us immense pride in ensuring a high quality learning experience for all of our students.

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    STUDY ANYWHERE - being an online course, you're not geographically restricted and can study from anywhere with a computer and internet connection!

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    REAL FLEXIBILITY – Flexible study time to suit your busy lifestyle. Fit your course in around work, parenting, or any other commitments you might have.

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    PASS IN AS LITTLE AS 12 WEEKS - With 3 hours commitment per week, you can pass your English course in 12 weeks, and your Maths course in 16-20 weeks depending on the subject level studied.

Open up Opportunity

Our past students have used their functional skills qualifications as a springboard to jump into the careers they desire or climb higher on the career ladder in their current jobs. After passing our exams with flying colours, we've had students progress onto become:

  • Nurses
  • Midwifes
  • Teaching Assistants & Higher level Teaching Assistants - We have also had past successful students go on to teaching degrees, but often these will require a GCSE qualification following functional skills.
  • Cyber Security Analysts
  • Managers in Public Services
  • Dental Nurses
  • Police Officers
  • Childcare Assistants
  • Hotel Managers
  • Physiotherapists

And more! These courses don't just prove to current or potential employers you meet the standard they expect, but surpass them because you've gone out of your way to upskill yourself which shows determination.

Our Courses

Experience what the future
has to offer at Oaklands College

Studying at Oaklands is about finding out what you enjoy learning, with a huge range of courses including A Levels, BTECs and Apprenticeships our students are given a the opportunity to make their own academic choices, and thrive in a subject they enjoy.

Over 64% of our students go on to find work placements in their chosen field of study

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